Flowstate Lifestyle Mastery Course

Niles here, I trust this message finds you in divine time.

Through first hand experience I’ve seen that by investing attention, energy and focus inwards, we can illuminate spaces where balance is needed, and move forward into the experiences we desire. By choosing to cultivate clarity, truth and freedom in the heart, the external world evolves to reflect that which we hold within. With commitment to this path we can align with the hearts desire by taking inspired action, gently tuning ourselves into the frequency of pleasure, abundance and flow. 

Health, freedom, abundance and passionate creativity are our birthrights. We may only need the right tools, techniques, guidance or insights to help us activate our natural flow.

This is why I have poured my heart and soul into creating this 8-week FlowState Lifestyle program. This container is designed with the intention to catalyze DEEP growth and transformation from the inside out in order to manifest our ideal lives. With embodiment practices, clarity exercises, flow state activations, holistic foundations for health and natural well-being & more, this container combines an online course with 1 on 1 mentorship into an experience of embodiment and amplified transformation.

If you are committed to personal growth and becoming your best self by cultivating creativity, leveling up your health, and freedom, surrender into deeper pleasure, this course will accelerate your transformation and help you claim an empowered relationship to LIFE.

I am STOKED to share this with you all. I am looking for 3 committed souls who want to level up their health, cultivate creativity and freedom, activate deeper pleasure, and claim a more deeply empowered relationship to LIFE. The first 3 committed souls receive a massive discount on this program.
Access the course landing page HERE for more info.

If any part of you is feeling resonance with this invitation I invite you to book a call with me HERE so we can dive in to find out if this course is right for you.

Sending my best to you all,


Free 4-Day Course – Flow State Activation

This video is about a free 4-day course that I’ve created which is a guide for you to help with building momentum in the direction of health, flow, and that which you desire.

This free course demonstrates tools to activate flow states, release stress, cultivate clarity, and take action on your deepest desires so that you can manifest your ideal life and realize your best self.

This free course is a distillation of years of personal experience and research into the nature of reality, health and flow consciousness. It has emerged out of my personal clarity that sharing these tools is my vocation to the world. It is my inspired work and service to humanity.

I know that if this is vibing with you that you will find value in this activation course and I would be honored if you signed up to receive this 4-day experience!

Sign up HERE:


If this is resonating with you or you know someone who may resonate with I invite you to share this out.

I look forward to our shared evolution and exploring paths of higher alignment with y’all.

