Decentralized Technology Solutions for a Brighter Tomorrow

At this point, it’s become undeniable to me that a decentralized economy is empowering humanity, and will continue to unlock freedom in the years and decades to come. The advent of decentralized finance is paving a new path for equality and human creativity to flourish.

A hyper-masculine archetype has had its day plundering and pillaging our people and our planet for the past several thousand years, and I believe the tides are turning. I see the arena where these global elites meet crypto and the decentralized economy as the front line of the spiritual battle of light and dark. I believe we are moving into a golden age, with the old rule giving way to unity and peace.

How can we empower ourselves to turn the tides of our political, social and planetary systems that are so entrenched? By revolutionizing one of the most powerful tools for any society – the financial and governance systems.

For me decentralized economics and governance is about so much more than financial freedom. It’s about empowering humanity with the resources needed to build regenerative systems that support the Earth all beings who call this beautiful place home.

NOW is the time to learn about blockchain, distributed ledger technology and how we can use it to build systems that support the peace and unity that we all envision.

Because freedom, abundance and prosperity are our birthrights.

Curious to learn more about how we can use state-of-the-art technology to uphold the health of people and the planet? Check our the links below to join our thriving community and learn about tokenization, decentralization and more.

Telegram Community:

YouTube Channel:

Free 3 day Crypto Literacy Course:

Reflecting on 4 Years of Evolution

For so long I was convinced that getting a j.o.b. was more valuable than my happiness. 

Several years ago I chose to go all in on a search for meaning, purpose and truth. A fork in the road when compared to where many of my peers were headed at the time. I packed my life into a caravan and hit the road with the intention to learn.

After 4 years in passionate pursuit of this “unconventional” path, I can share that the human potential is SO MUCH GREATER than my cultural conditioning led me to believe. While progress has not been linear, staying committed to the path continues to manifest a more & more beautiful human experience.

My top 3 harvests along this journey:

  • The human potential is limited only by our beliefs & imagination.
  • Cultivating inner peace is at the core of all that we desire.
  • Listening to & acting on intuition is the mechanism that aligns us with the heart.

By virtue of natural law, the resonance of a pure intention attracts the experiences we need to evolve. 

If you are feeling on the fence about committing to deeper alignment with what you intuitively know is right, consider this an invitation to make the leap & fully believe in yourself.

Soon I will be re-opening my 1 on 1 mentorship container – An intentional space for support & accelerated transformation. If you are feeling the call, send me a direct message.

Join our Telegram Community to follow along with global events and blockchain technology.

Much love,


Sharing Insights // Fasting // The Present Moment

Hey friends! Last week I completed an intentional 24-hour dry fast. It was a time of great introspection and contemplation. In this video, I share the essence of what I harvested from the experience. I hope this insight can be of value to you and inspire us to come more fully into the present moment!

Much love,



PS.Click here to book a free 20-minute ask me anything zoom call

Inner Guidance & The Global Stage

Hey friends!

Im feeling an acceleration of change – Can you feel it in your bones? I am witnessing so much transpire behind the scenes of the world stage. Grand shifts taking place, presenting both traps and opportunities. Where is your inner compass oriented?

Health, community, empowerment, finances, creativity and joy are some of the North Stars for me. If we are to unveil the truth we must read between the lines.The writing is on the wall for those with the eyes to see, and the honest willingness to seek what is real.

Heres a link to join our Telegram Community – A space for open minds & hearts to convene as we cultivate higher harmony within & without.


The power to create an aligned lifestyle is born the moment that the choice is made to embody it. Making such a choice is like planting seeds in a garden. The seeds need to be watered with an investment of time, energy and attention. And It is the consistency, clarity, and honest willingness that becomes the sunlight, and allows the seeds to grow. What seeds are you planting?

With love and respect,


Breathwork Tutorial: How to Practice Breath of Fire

Looking for a simple & effective way to boost your energy? Look no further than your breathing.

The breath is a KEYSTONE for enhancing our state of being, and its influence is immediate and direct.

Breath of Fire Tips:

– Expand your nostrils – Drive the breath with the belly – Go slow until you have the technique down – Listen to your body to tell you when enough is enough

Breath of Fire is one of my favorite breathing practices to have in my tool belt. It gives me an avenue through which to move energy when things feel resistant or too stressful & I hope it can help you all. And may we respect the breath, for it can be such a profound & powerful teacher.

Claim your free 4 Day Course here:

Thanks for watching!

Awareness & Empowerment with Social Media

In my observations, the dynamics within social media ecosystems can be deceptive and manipulative. Showing up with diligence, discernment & awareness can help us to use social media to cultivate greater empowerment and creator-ship. It’s up to US to bring purpose and intention into the space so we can create that which we desire!

Much love,


Flowstate Lifestyle Mastery Course

Niles here, I trust this message finds you in divine time.

Through first hand experience I’ve seen that by investing attention, energy and focus inwards, we can illuminate spaces where balance is needed, and move forward into the experiences we desire. By choosing to cultivate clarity, truth and freedom in the heart, the external world evolves to reflect that which we hold within. With commitment to this path we can align with the hearts desire by taking inspired action, gently tuning ourselves into the frequency of pleasure, abundance and flow. 

Health, freedom, abundance and passionate creativity are our birthrights. We may only need the right tools, techniques, guidance or insights to help us activate our natural flow.

This is why I have poured my heart and soul into creating this 8-week FlowState Lifestyle program. This container is designed with the intention to catalyze DEEP growth and transformation from the inside out in order to manifest our ideal lives. With embodiment practices, clarity exercises, flow state activations, holistic foundations for health and natural well-being & more, this container combines an online course with 1 on 1 mentorship into an experience of embodiment and amplified transformation.

If you are committed to personal growth and becoming your best self by cultivating creativity, leveling up your health, and freedom, surrender into deeper pleasure, this course will accelerate your transformation and help you claim an empowered relationship to LIFE.

I am STOKED to share this with you all. I am looking for 3 committed souls who want to level up their health, cultivate creativity and freedom, activate deeper pleasure, and claim a more deeply empowered relationship to LIFE. The first 3 committed souls receive a massive discount on this program.
Access the course landing page HERE for more info.

If any part of you is feeling resonance with this invitation I invite you to book a call with me HERE so we can dive in to find out if this course is right for you.

Sending my best to you all,


Easy Breathwork Exercise to Reduce Stress

The breath can be a powerful tool to shed layers of illusion and open the heart to reveal the true nature of who we are.

By way of feeling the inward landscape becomes illuminated, revealing that which resists the natural flow of life. Breathwork can help us to break through emotional defense mechanisms that prevent us from experiencing the fullness of life. Intentional breath can crack the heart wide open to feel, allow, and experience the full depths of richness, pleasure and wonderment that we once new as a child. 

Deep richness is available in every moment, we must only tune our consciousness to the frequency of now!

Lifestyle and Holistic Health: Integrating Tools and Insights

In this video I share several of my top lifestyle patterns and tools that we can use to cultivate higher alignment and harmony within ourselves and the world around us:

Tips and tools to thrive:

– Creating intentional space for internal clarity and feeling.

– How to choose high-quality foods (information) for the body

– Becoming aware of our information diet

– Breathing as the foundation for activating intrinsic balance

– Movement as medicine for mind, body and spirit

– Gardening as a way to cultivate health and satisfaction

– Expressing our uniqueness through creativity and exploration

Thanks for watching,

And if you’re ready to take your health and consciousness to the next level I invite you to join my free 4-Day Course HERE

Blessings friends

Guided Exercise for Energy Release and Mind-Body Coherence

We as humans have the innate capacity to be automatically balanced. We simply may need to take actions, make trades, or conscious decisions to tap into the flow.

Enjoy this guided exercise! In this video:

– Tapping and massaging meridian points on the body to awaken energy and bring awareness into the body.

– Breathwork to stimulate the movement of energy in the body.

– A short meditation to deeply feel sensations in the body and anchor present moment awareness.

If you enjoyed this practice I invite you to join my 4 Day Free Course where will dive deeper into the breath, meditation and clarity to activate your best self.

Link HERE: