Breathwork Tutorial: How to Practice Breath of Fire

Looking for a simple & effective way to boost your energy? Look no further than your breathing.

The breath is a KEYSTONE for enhancing our state of being, and its influence is immediate and direct.

Breath of Fire Tips:

– Expand your nostrils – Drive the breath with the belly – Go slow until you have the technique down – Listen to your body to tell you when enough is enough

Breath of Fire is one of my favorite breathing practices to have in my tool belt. It gives me an avenue through which to move energy when things feel resistant or too stressful & I hope it can help you all. And may we respect the breath, for it can be such a profound & powerful teacher.

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Simple Breathing Practice for Stress Reduction and Mind-Body Coherence

Hello beautiful family!

Thank you for tuning in today! I hope you find this technique useful. Breathwork is a powerful practice with many benefits including: equanimity of the nervous system, alkalizing the body, increased depth of cellular respiration, mindfulness, emotional release, balancing biochemical interactions, reducing stress, downregulating inflammation and so much more.

Here are the simple instructions for this exercise:

1. Place the hands on the heart

2. Full inhale through the nose – imagine golden light from the sun filling your body

3. Exhale release through the mouth – imagine black smoke that contains un-ease in the body

4. Repeat x3

Comment below and let me know how this practice works for you!

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